Need 1500 PR3+ back links for Different website via Blog commenting. Specific keywords and corresponding page urls will be provided.
JOB Details
1. Anchor Text and corresponding URL will be provided. For every Anchor Text and URL , I need 20+ blog comments.
2. approved and live links will be counted and paid for only.
3. DO FOLLOW links will be accepted.
4. It is expected that you find the relevant blog posting sites (except mine) that match with the kw and URL given
5. The page where the comments are made and where the links appear has to be at least PR3.
6. I want all Manual Links (no spamming will be allowed and no use of automated tools for creating the backlinks - no scrapebox etc)
7. All comments must be relevant to the topic and No links with "Thank you, Nice Blog" which look spam will not be accepted.
You will have to quickly read the blog post before commenting in order to make a relevant comment.
8. No comments are to be placed on porn, gambling, racism, hate, drug, hacking or pages with anything illegal.
9. Reports are required with the URLs, at the end of the job. The format for how to record will be told to you.
10. No profile links, no anything other than blog comments.
11. No payments will be made up front! Payment will be done at the end of the job.
12. No links with blogs that are filled with SPAM comments will be accepted! All the other comments present on the blog pages where you comment have to appear spam free and that's easy to judge and decide.
13. You agree to replace any link that does not meet the above criteria.
14) Before going for 1500 backlinks , We will run a sample of 40 Backlinks for 2 kws and url. For this sample you will be paid.
Type the word " Blog Commenting " in your last sentence of the message. If this is not there I will not entertain the bid.
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